Alimentos para cuidar el hígado después de Navidad

Foods to take care of the liver after Christmas

The liver has a very important job in our body, since it is responsible for filtering toxins that can reach the blood and waste that can reach the digestive, respiratory or even skin systems.

To purify our body, it is essential to follow a diet low in salt, fat and sugar. In addition, we must eat whole and healthy carbohydrates, lots of fruit and vegetables. Some foods will help us take care of our liver:

  • Cucumber : has diuretic and laxative properties, since it contains minerals and water. It favors the elimination of toxins through urine.
  • Asparagus : they are rich in sulfur and allow to eliminate toxins.
  • Broccoli : rich in sulfur, which helps cleanse the liver.
  • Artichoke : they are rich in silymarin, an antioxidant that favors the purification of the organism.
  • Chickpeas : they are high in amino acids necessary to generate enzymes that help cleanse the liver.
  • Turmeric – Protects the liver against toxic damage, and even regenerates damaged cells.
  • Ginger : fights fatty liver thanks to its high content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
  • Apple : it is rich in antioxidants and contains a fiber called pectin, which helps eliminate toxins through feces.
  • Grapefruit : has a great diuretic power.
  • Lemon : has the ability to protect the liver from damage caused by inflammation.
  • Black Pepper : Piperine, one of the components of black pepper, increases the absorption of curcumin, present in turmeric, by our body. This improves their action against inflammation and pain.
  • Milk thistle: it is commonly used to treat liver problems, demonstrating excellent results in the health of people with this type of condition.

Our premium product that helps the proper functioning of the liver, has many of the ingredients listed above. Don't you know him yet?

Click on image for more information.

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Argelia Pérez Mora
Argelia Pérez Mora

Quiero probar el el producto

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